*Flick the key indicated by the arrow when articulating the note or slurring to it from the distance of a major third or larger.
Metronome markings are only goal tempos. As you first practice an example, start with a much slower tempo than indicated, and increase the tempo gradually as you get more familiar with the music. Keep the tempo where you can play with a beautiful sound, in tune, with even technique, and musical flow. Always keep the tip of your tongue close to the reed. As you articulate eighth notes, use only the tip of the tongue in tiny, quick motions.

The lines over the noteheads in Ode to Joy indicate that the notes should be played tenuto. Tenuto means “held” or “sustained,” and it also implies some weight at the beginnings of notes. Play with a very gentle tongue (“doo”) with no space between notes. The word “sempre” over the third measure means “always” or “throughout”. Here, it is indicating that you should continue playing tenuto even though the markings on each note disappear. Listen to a recording of the last movement of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony to hear how he used this beautiful melody.