- B Minor (38.1)
- B's Take Wing (2.2)
- B-B-B-Mine (2.1)
- B/Cb Major Scale (46.2)
- Banks of the Ohio (25.5)
- Bb Bliss (23.6)
- Bb Major Arpeggio (48.2)
- Bb Major Etude (37.3)
- Bb Major Scale (44.1)
- Bb March (34.2)
- Bb Scale Warm-Up (25.1)
- Bb/A# Natural Minor (48.3)
- Believe Me, If All Those Endearing Young Charms (41.6)
- Best Friends Forever (8.2)
- Bethena (48.6)
- Bingo (8.3)
- Blue Bells of Scotland (35.6)
- Bound for the Promised Land (28.8)
- Bouree (32.6)
- Bourlesque (35.4)
- Bourree (49.7)
- Breath of Fresh Air (4.6)
- Breath of Fresh Air (18.1)
- Breathin' Easy (3.1)
- Breathin' Easy (42.3)
- Breathin' Easy (1.7)
- Breathing Room (4.3)
- Bridal Chorus (36.5)
- Broad Tone (32.3)